Sunday, 15 June 2014

Blue Skies | OOTD

Hi all! 

I'm very happy to say that I handed in my FINAL piece of coursework for uni a few weeks ago (woop!) so the next fantastic thing I had to look forward to was my first holiday abroad... Yes (believe it or not), my very first. 

We went to Barcelona a couple weeks ago for a few days and it was definitely worth waiting for! Whilst there I couldn't help doing a bit of clothes shopping.. I picked up a lovely dress from Primark, and although I never wore it whilst I was abroad - as I tend to avoid wearing bright colours - I've worn it a couple times since coming back home. 

For the most part I'm strictly a White, Black and Grey girl. Boring, I know. But THIS dress! It's a gorgeous cobalt blue, with a polka dot detail of a pastel blue which looks great in the sun. As it was from Barcelona, I'm not too sure if this particular dress is available in the UK stores. 

Dress | Primark . Sandals | Primark . Bangles | H&M 

Necklace | H&M . Rings | H&M

You could also jazz up the outfit with a trench coat and simple heeled sandals.
I also bought this trench from Primark (UK). I feel so grown up in this coat, I especially love the faux leather sleeves that make a nice twist on the classic trench.

Trench coat | Primark . Heeled Sandals | New Look 

I clearly think I'm Olivia Pope in this photo.

Bag | TK Maxx

Also, I will be posting more holiday looks soonish, so do keep an eye out! 

Thanks for stopping by the blog!

Sid xx

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