Monday, 27 January 2014

Wardrobe Staple: The Parka Jacket

I'm thinking about making this 'Wardrobe Staples' type post into a series for the blog.
For me, there's a few style staples that every girl should purchase and keep in her wardrobe forever because they will seriously look good whenever with whatever you put it with.

I think the Parka Jacket is one of those items that never goes out of style and always looks great during Autumn/Winter. Especially in the UK, when its cold for the majority of the year.

Sidenote: Yep, there will be more selfies in the future. I'm in my awkward blogging stage right now. I'm still trying to figure out my lighting, camera positioning etc. 

Primark: Parka Jacket

H&M: leopard print pumps |  H&M: sheer top |  Primark: High-waisted black jeans

The selfie gave me the clearest shot of my outfit 

 I love Parkas. They look good on absolutely anyone, men or women.. slim or curvy. 
I wear this particular jacket almost everyday. I'm not usually one for fur, but I feel like the faux fur hood adds a little 'something' to the jacket and outfit.

If you want, you can share some of your own wardrobe staples in the comments section :) 
What are those items that you can't bring yourself to throw away?

Thanks for reading! 

Sid xx